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Horror in the Real World


Serial Killers are probably the most clear evidence of real horror. People without a conscience or shred of remorse or human decency. Yet while they are on the top of the real life horror pyramid who and what makes up the rest? Think about the question and I’m sure you can come up with a few ideas. Current events, whether your reading it right now there’s some known violence going on in the world, there will be further violence in the future and that will be the latest current event of real world horror because this world is one big world of horror. School shootings, stabbing of spouses, setting houses on fire, going on a killing spree, people overdosing on drugs; these are just of the few real world horrors we deal with every single day and the saddest part of all? We will likely continue to see them every single day because it’s just simply how the world works, for every peaceful and blessed thought a normal person has there is a raging psychopathic lunatic who just loves to watch the world burn along with the people in it.

Of course we want to live in a world where peace runs rampant and violence and horror don’t exist but that would seem too ideal, too unrealistic. Some of us are horror genre fans who love scary and gory movies, books and conventions. Why do we love these things? Because they are fictional and made for our entertainment and yet despite being exactly the same, the real world of horror is something that no person wants to experience, wants to feel or see and most importantly of all hates seeing because it isn’t the horror we want to be exposed to. Guns kill people, guns kill people with guns, people kill people; however you choose to see the glass here just remember that the end result will be the glass shattering. It’s all violent no matter how you look at it and it’s truly baffling how people can actually think that using a gun can make a difference. Guns are like drugs, they are a horror in our world and when given to the wrong people can cause utter chaos and even bring out the worst in sometimes the best of a person. Guns are vessels of horror, they do not make the world a better place no matter how many times you try to spin it.

However for every crime spree, every gun fired and every house set a blaze there is a person behind it. Some people are horrific, inexcusable excrements for human beings, psychopaths, not fit for this world or any known to exist but yet here they are in our world sharing space and air with us and why? Well that’s a question that if we knew maybe just maybe we could put a stop to it but again violence and horror in the real world is an inevitability. If not one thing then surely it’s something else. Can we treat each other better? Of course we can. Will it help? In a sense. Can it stop people from becoming a part of horror and violence? That remains to be seen. The horrors of the real world have become such an every day sight and yet despite this we still remain shocked when we hear something horrific happen. Why is this? Because we’d like to think that the world isn’t fifty percent made up of grizzly and traumatic events and psychos but your local channel news, twitter feed and current events remind you that horror is real, it’s all too real.

The scariest thing you’ll ever read isn’t a Stephen King book, the scariest thing you’ll ever see on television isn’t a John Carpenter movie, it’s what’s around you happening in the place you call home. The true horror is the horror that’s preceded by the word “real”. It’s horror we wish was directed, produced and considered as fiction but we cannot change the real horrors around us, at least not right away. Remember the kind of person you are, remember that what ever problems you may have and whatever troubles you may come across that you want to live life to the best of your ability because horrors happen every day and you truly never know when it may involve you.

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