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Real Life Horror vs Haunted Attractions

If you’re into horror then chances are it doesn’t matter if it’s real or fabricated horror you love it regardless. However, there is a big difference between going to a place expecting to get scared from a comical theatrical sense and going to a haunted house where people were murdered and the killer still haunts the house. It goes without saying that real horror is different and far more scary than any haunted house or theme park. Let’s not let that spoil this article in fact let’s take a look at examples of both and look into why some of us can’t get enough of either.

All haunted attractions are based off of real horror, things we perceive to represent real horror and meant to scare us. These places whether it’s in a house, church(I have attended a haunted attraction in a church before), field, warehouse or wherever they are, you go there expecting to be scared and you know you will be. When you go to a real known place with paranormal activity you don’t know whether or not you’ll get scared and that triggers a whole different feeling inside you.

Real haunted horror are places like the Amityville House, The Winchester House, The Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast, Bobby Mackey’s, Gettysburg, Eastern State Penitentiary, The Trans-Alleghany Lunatic Asylum, and many more. These are places where horrific things took place and all have haunted pasts that still continue to this day. These places are only some of the most famous but there’s many more. If the walls in these places could talk they’d have some of the most gruesome and disturbing ghost stories to tell and that’s putting it lightly. Real hauntings and real horror are what some of us think we want to see for ourselves to see if we can encounter or experience anything. Sure it seems like a good idea until we realize we bit off more than we can chew..

Haunted Horror Attractions are the places we go every year in October. Haunted Houses, Haunted Factories, Haunted Hayrides, Corn Mazes, you name it. These places are designed to scare us and we go there in anticipation in hopes of being scared. For some it’s all about the scare, the adventure and fun. When you go to these places you’re likely to feel something but at the end of the night you know that it’s all done in fun and that none of it’s real. Whether it’s a scary clown, cosmic alien, creepy lumberjack with a chainsaw or whatever you may see in these places these are characters created to scare you and you let them. These haunted attractions are scary fun and quite a change from the real haunted horrors we hope to encounter when entering a real place filled with paranormal activity.

Now of course real horrific places have inspired movies and television shows so that we as horror fans can ingest it easier. Real horror is seen countless times in Hollywood and entertainment but it’s not watered down but changed so that it’s just like a haunted attraction, to be anticipated and enjoyed in a theatrical sense. This however doesn’t always work and sometimes it just makes people want to go to the real place and before you know it they are traumatized and wishing they never watched the movie to begin with. I am exaggerating a bit but I’m sure it’s happened just like I’m sure some haunted attractions have tried to hold their haunted theme parks at real known haunted places. Can you imagine the type of horror you would get then? The best of both worlds until you couldn’t distinguish between what’s real and what’s not. 

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